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Health Benefits of Green Apples

Top 26 Amazing Benefits Of Green Apples For Skin, Hair, And Health

As the saying goes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and it certainly holds true even for green apples! Apples are one of the most exotic and amazing fruits that Mother Nature has blessed us with. They contain a lot of essential nutrients and vitamins which should form a part of each and every person’s daily diet. When it comes to apples, there are various kinds of apples. The red ones which are very common and the green ones which are sour and sweet to taste.

Green apple has long been recognized as one of the healthiest fruits. It is innately packed with a variety of essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers. These are known to offer relief from digestive disorders and are also very effective in lowering blood cholesterol and BP, stabilizing blood sugar levels & improving appetite.

Green Apple: Health Benefits

1. High Fiber Content

It contains a lot of fiber, which helps clean the system and increases metabolism. This, therefore, helps in free bowel movement. It is always advisable to eat an apple with its skin on. The cleaner your intestine and systems are , the happier and healthier you will be.

2. Mineral Content

It contains, a number of minerals – iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, etc. which are trace minerals and are a must for human health and well-being. The iron in apples is a trace element and it helps in raising the levels of blood oxygen and helps in increased metabolic rate.

3. Low in Fat Content

This is a great food when it comes to weight watchers. People on diet and/or are regular gym goers should and must include one apple in their every day diet. It also collects the fats in the blood vessels and helps in maintaining proper blood flow to the heart preventing the chances of strokes.

4. Prevents Skin Cancer

It contains Vitamin C that helps in preventing skin cells damage by free radicals and thus reduces the chances of skin cancer.

5. Rich In Anti-Oxidants

It contains anti-oxidants which help in cell re-building and cell rejuvenation. This also helps you in maintaining healthy and glowing skin. The antioxidants also protect your liver and ensure its proper functioning.

6. Prevents Alzheimer’s

Having an apple every day prevents chances of old-age neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s.

7. Prevents Asthma

Taking apple juice regularly can prevent chances of asthma which is a hypersensitive allergic disorder.

8. Prevents Diabetes

Apples prevent diabetes. It is a must have for diabetics.

9. Rich In Vitamin A,B and C

Green apples are rich in Vitamins A, B and C, so apart from protecting the skin from harmful effects of free radicals; it also helps one in maintaining glowing skin from inside.

10. A Natural Detoxifier

Packed with a good dose of fiber, this green juice keeps your liver, kidney, and digestive system free from toxins and harmful elements (1). The presence of fiber also ensures that you are free of constipation issues. The high fiber content in this juice also helps in cutting down the risk of developing colon cancer.

11. Gives Your Metabolic Rate A Boost

This juice is a treasure trove of a wide variety of minerals, including copper, iron, potassium, and manganese. All these elements play a major role in keeping you in good health. Iron, especially, is known to aid in better absorption of oxygen, which in turn boosts the metabolic rate of your body (2).

12. Good For Your Liver

Along with being a natural detoxifying agent, green apple juice is also known to possess antioxidants in good quantities (3). These antioxidants actually prevent the free radicals from damaging the liver. This, in turn, ensures that your liver functions properly, while keeping it safe from various hepatic conditions.

13. Helps To Lose Weight

This green hued drink makes a filling snack in between your meals (4). Packed with fiber and low on fats, sugar, and sodium, green apple juice is known to restrict hunger pangs. Plus, it improves the calorie burning potential, which helps you to achieve your weight loss goals in a tasty way.

14. Protects You From Inflammatory Conditions

Green apple juice, as mentioned above, contains a good dose of antioxidants. These antioxidants actually help in safeguarding your body from oxidative stress-induced painful inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatism and arthritis. Studies suggest that senior citizens who suffer from such inflammatory conditions should include green apple juice in their diet (5).

15. Good For Your Lungs

Studies suggest that regular use of green apple juice can cut down the risk associated with the onset of asthma by a good 23% (6). People who are regular smokers can also rely on this fresh delight to safeguard themselves from obstructive pulmonary diseases.

16. Good For Your Vision

Green apple juice is a source of various vitamins. The Vitamin A present in this juice is known to possess the potential to strengthen and improve your vision.

17. Good For Blood Clotting

This green juice is a potential source of Vitamin K, the element that helps the blood to coagulate and clot (7). People who drink this juice possess a better wound repairing and healing potential. Women, who have extremely heavy periods, can also use this drink to bring the bleeding under control.

18. Healthy Strong Bones

Green apple juice has a rich presence of calcium, which is essential for strengthening the bones and teeth and keeping them healthy (8). Women, especially, in their menopause, should include this drink in their diet to prevent osteoporosis.

Green Apple: Skin Benefits

Green apple is an excellent beauty enhancer. Lots of skin care and hair care benefits are associated with green apples.

19. Anti-Aging Ingredient

The antioxidants, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and phenols present in green apple juice play a major in delaying premature aging. Free radicals present in the body cause the early onset of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. Regular use of this antioxidant rich drink can help the body fight these free radicals and control or even better, eliminate the damages (9).

20. Improves Skin Texture

A face mask involving the use of green apple can deeply moisturize your skin and help to eliminate the appearance of wrinkles while improving the overall texture of your skin. You can take the help of green apple juice to improve the hydration levels of your skin (10). It can either be consumed or even be used as a face wash to prevent the skin from drying out.

21. Nourishes the Skin

Owing to its dense vitamin content, green apple helps in maintaining your skin and has great whitening and nourishing effects on your complexion. Packed with assorted vitamins and minerals, you can incorporate this drink into your skin care regimen. The collagen and elastin proteins get a boost, which in turn, improves your complexion by nourishing and healing the skin from deep within (11).

22. Prevents Skin Diseases

Many a time, lack of nourishment leaves the skin at the risk of various skin disorders, including eczema and cancer. Green apple juice ensures that the skin gets the necessary levels of nourishment. It also offers protection from various skin issues.

23. Controls & Prevents Pimple Eruptions

Green apple is a highly effective anti-acne treatment as well. Regular consumption of green apple help you control and prevent pimple eruptions.

24. Eliminates Dark Eye Circles

The deep brown circles along with puffiness around your eyes are signs of your skin getting older (12). Topical application of fresh apple juice as well as internal consumption is known to have a positive impact on these undesirable changes.

Green Apple: Hair Benefits

Green apple is not only good for our skin but for our hair as well. Here we have a few of the benefits listed for you.

25. Cures Dandruff

A paste created with the leaves and skin of green apple works wonders to fix dandruff. You should use this paste as a shampoo. Green apple juice also has the same effects if massaged regularly onto the scalp.

26. Enhances Hair Growth

Packed with a tempting array of vitamins and minerals, green apple juice is a potential natural remedy for strengthening your tresses. Along with that, it also makes sure that your hair fall is under control. Plus, regular use of this juice is also known to promote hair growth. In short, using green apple juice could help you show off long, strong, and lush hair.


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