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Take Ginger Tea Daily For It's Amazing Benefits

Benefits of Ginger Tea Ginger tea has many benefits and has been used in ancient populations, like those in India practicing the holistic medicinal practice called Ayurveda, for literally thousands of years. What is ginger tea? It’s actually very simple – just fresh ginger root seeped in boiling water to create an herbal “tea”. Ginger naturally contains no caffeine since it isn’t made using black, white or green tea leaves. Instead it’s completely caffeine-free and actually hydrating, as opposed to acting like a diuretic like most traditional teas and coffee do. Ginger tea can be bought in stores, but its’ super simple to make at home. If the taste of ginger tea seems too basic and bland for you, you can also try adding some fresh squeezed lemon juice or raw honey to add even more detoxifying enzymes and improve the taste. Why is ginger tea loved so much in eastern cultures? First off, ginger tea is believed to be one of the best natural methods for improving digestion a
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